高尔夫球场( golf course的名词复数 );
Often Mila and Oa live near golf courses where crickets and other critters abound.
互联网Are there any golf courses around here?
这附近有高尔夫球场 吗 ?
互联网Two golf courses are available.
互联网China's notion of conservation is to build golf courses and theme parks.
互联网With the lift, a private beach, yachts bit, golf courses, is the identity and status symbol!
带电梯, 有私人沙滩, 游艇位, 高尔夫球场, 是身份和地位的象征!
互联网The problems on special operation and maintainance of golf courses were analysed.
互联网There is undoubtedly a demand for more golf courses.
互联网What 18 - hole golf courses are in the vicinity?
附近有什么 18洞 的高尔夫球场?
互联网Pattaya offers every imaginable form of water sports, plentiful and affordable golf courses, and stimulating nightlife.
芭堤雅为游客提供各种形式的水上运动和多种大众消费水平的高尔夫球场, 还有刺激的夜生活.
互联网How many golf courses are there in the city?
互联网Golf courses can be designed to recycle their water through wetlands and use fewer chemicals.
互联网Golfweek asks its team of raters to evaluate golf courses on the basis of 10 criteria.
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